Goregrind / Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Goregrind / Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Sekilas Info Band:
Gore whore was formed in 2007 @ bekasi, indonesia. Coecoeth is the gore whore’s inspirator and music creator as a guitarist. Coecoeth invited his best friend, domas to joined his band. Domas interested and helped coecoeth to be his vocalist. First, we started it to listened brutal death metal band. Then we agree to made brutal death metal as the gore whore’s music concept and gore, sexuality, extreme disease hate, death as the gore whore’s lyrics theme. Too long to talk how is gore whore’s movement and progress. Rigth now, gore whore has perfect line up which oen as a drummer, egi as a bassist, coecoeth as a guitarist and backin’ vocal, and domas as a vocalist. We ready to blast in brutality in order to show that brutal death metal is gore whore’s music. Fuck Yeah!
Line up:
Doms : bemper depan
Cucut : roller kanan
Egi : roller kiri
Oentot : dinamo belakang
Official Web: